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We build not just walls, we build dreams. Our masons combine strength with elegance, every stone is part of your future. Trust us to construct your projects from the ground up to the finest details. Rely on our skill and professionalism and let your homes grow with us.


Paints and varnishes Concrete work Apartment construction Demolition of buildings Developers Electrical installation Electrical installation material Surveyors Plumbers Utilities Insulation work Scaffolding and assembly platforms Mechanization and machines for building Tilers Windows and doors Gas and heating engineers Flooring Roofers and tinsmiths Project work in the construction industry Industrial buildings Reconstruction Buildings Building materials Construction supervision Plasterboard works Plumbing material Concrete products Establishment of buildings Bricklayers Earthwork

Ladislav Rylich

Naše firma sídlící v okrese Beroun se zabývá montáží SDK konstrukcí Rigips 2000. Montáže sádrokartonů provádíme v půdních prostorách, kancelářích, bytových domech, školách, atd. Dále našim zákazníkům nabízíme realizaci minerálních podledů a sádrokartonových vestaveb. Projekty z naší nabídky Vám…

Zednické práce Montáž SDK konstrukcí Rigips 2000 Suché podlahy Rigidur